
Graduate Student in from of the Lumen Vitae

Harold Hamm to receive honorary doctorate degree, daughter, Shelly Lambertz, gives commencement speech.

BISMARCK, ND - 4月29日星期六,立博中文版将颁发学位给 958 graduates at its 2023 commencement. The ceremony begins at 2:30 p.m. 在俾斯麦第七街和前大道的俾斯麦活动中心.

由俾斯麦报喜修道院的本笃会修女创立和赞助, the University of Mary will award 520 bachelor’s degrees, 314 master’s degrees and 124 doctoral degrees. These students come from 41 states representing 19 countries.

Sixty-nine received the summa cum laude designation, 93 earned magna cum laude designation and 112 students received the cum laude designation.

Additionally, 43 学生已获得哈罗德·谢弗新兴领袖学院颁发的认证谢弗领袖称号, and 53 学生在2年内完成学业,即被认定为全年毕业生.6 years.

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Harold Hamm – Honorary Doctorate

Harold Hamm grew up on the humble Oklahoma prairie. 那个国家比达科他平原更热,但用同样的标准来衡量:你没有撒谎, you didn't cheat, and everybody did their part. 1945年,哈姆出生于一个棉花佃农家庭,是13岁孩子中最小的一个. 他们很穷,但对他们来说,生活是广阔而广阔的. 有需要的人几乎总是和哈姆一家住在一起, and when they had something extra, they gave it away.

就是在那些日子里,哈姆的眼界开阔了,看到了生活的各种可能性. 他瞥见了一个比自己更大的世界,比他所面临的困难更大. 所以当他看到附近的石油和天然气开发正在蓬勃发展时, his imagination took flight. Hamm wanted to be an oilman. 他想为他的家庭和社区创造一个更充实的生活. At 18, he took a job with an oilfield services contractor, 清洗油罐——最艰苦的工作是在地里干活. By 1967, at the age of 21, he'd built up enough credit to take out a $1,000 loan and start his own business. That was the beginning of Continental Resources. From this grassroots startup, 哈姆将大陆集团打造成美国最大的石油生产商之一. 大陆集团也是美国最大油田的最大承租人, the Bakken of western North Dakota and eastern Montana.

哈姆是美国国内能源生产商联盟(Domestic Energy Producers Alliance)的联合创始人和主席. 他曾担任俄克拉何马州石油联盟的前任主席和现任董事会成员,也是俄克拉何马州能源资源委员会的创始成员. In an effort to discover a cure for diabetes, 他赞助成立了哈罗德·哈姆糖尿病中心, a world-renowned center of diabetes research. For his professional accomplishments, 哈姆曾获得普氏全球能源终身成就奖和霍雷肖·阿尔杰奖. 2012年,《立博中文版》杂志将他评为“全球100位最具影响力人物”之一." "...最具影响力的”,因为哈罗德·哈姆总是能发现长戏. North Dakota's prairies, 让人想起他童年时在俄克拉何马的田野, hold bright promise to him. 就像我们一样,他希望满足本地区乃至更大范围内的需求.

立博中文版汉姆工程学院培养未来的行业领袖,他们看到的世界比自己大得多, who want to make life fuller for the people they serve. 哈罗德·哈姆的鼓舞和慷慨坚定了我们学生的梦想. Hamm's great pride is his family. His five children-"better people than me,他说——每一个人都是他信念的活生生的证明:衡量成功的最大标准是那些追随你的人的成功. With enduring gratitude for Harold Hamm's support, 作为我们的学生,我们立博中文版希望证实这一信念, too, strive for greatness of heart, taking to their fields with vast and expansive hope, bringing light and life wherever they go.

Shelly Lambertz – Commencement Speaker

大陆资源执行副总裁,首席文化 &
Administrative Officer

Shelly Lambertz目前担任执行副总裁, 俄克拉荷马城大陆资源公司首席文化和行政官员. She has served on the Board of Directors since May 2018. 她在石油和天然气行业的领导能力最近为她赢得了哈特能源公司(Hart Energy)评选的25位最有影响力的能源女性之一.

Before joining Continental, Shelly曾担任Hamm Capital的首席运营官, a family investment and advisory firm, from August 2011 to October 2018. Shelly还担任Harold Hamm Foundation的董事. 从1999年到2005年,她是YWCA在Enid, OK的执行董事. 在此之前,Shelly是Hamm的人力资源总监和业务发展顾问 & Phillips Service Company.

She began her career working for the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington, D.C. 担任多个职位,包括国会议员米奇·爱德华兹(OK)的办公室经理, 少数党领袖鲍勃·米歇尔领导办公室立法助理, and Deputy Chief of Staff for Frank Lucas (OK).

Shelly拥有工商管理学士学位, with a minor in marketing, from Oklahoma State University. Shelly is actively involved in her community, 他是俄克拉何马大学哈罗德·哈姆糖尿病中心的董事会成员, the Oklahoma State University Foundation, Dean McGee Eye Institute, Scott & 金·弗普朗克基金会和俄克拉何马卓越基金会.

She is a devoted member of St. 约翰浸信会天主教会,她在那里担任财务委员会成员, is a Eucharistic Minister, and past chair of Women's Faith & Formation Programs.

2023年立博中文版的毕业典礼可以通过以下网址进行直播: www.lifeatmary.com


Anyone who wishes to learn more about Mary can do so at online.qyxdzx.com, or by contacting an admissions representative at enroll@qyxdzx.com, or by calling (701) 355-8030. 立博中文版是美国仅有的15所推荐的红衣主教纽曼社会住宿学院和大学之一.

About the University of Mary: 立博中文版秉承“生命之光”的校训,通过尖端的专业课程和研究生课程为学生提供全面的人生教育,这些课程以道德勇气和所选专业的领导能力以及对社区的服务为动力. A private, co-educational Catholic institution, 立博中文版欢迎各种信仰和背景的学生.

A Christian, Catholic, 本笃会的机构成立于1959年,由本笃会修女报喜修道院, Mary offers nearly 60 bachelor’s, 15 master’s, and five doctoral programs—in Business Administration, Education, Nursing Practice, Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy. 在全国大学体育协会(NCAA)和美国大学曲棍球协会(ACHA)会议的管理下,19个体育项目的体育部门坚持其美德伟大的使命. With more than 3,800 students, Mary has locations in North Dakota, Montana, Arizona, Rome, Italy, as well as vibrant online offerings. For more information, visit calamine.qyxdzx.com.