


俾斯麦,和 Phase II of the University of Mary’s three-phase $272 million Vision 2030 Capital Campaign that launched in 2015 already got off to a tremendous start in February of 2022 following a hiatus caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Phase I closed in January of 2019 by surpassing its goal with just over $100 million raised total. 哈罗德·哈姆和大陆资源公司捐赠了1200万美元,启动了第二阶段, and now through the generosity of others who have come forward with a very significant and generous gift allowing the University of Mary to move forward with plans for a new 体育运动 Complex on campus.  

“11月初,我们收到了一份变革性礼物的消息,这是许多人的答案, 许多人祈祷,” announced University of Mary President Monsignor James Shea in front of hundreds of excited faculty and staff recently inside a jam-packed Arno Gustin Hall on campus. 

谢伊后来又补充道, “We are extremely grateful to these 捐助者 and to the many friends and benefactors of the University of Mary. 他们的慷慨是对我们学生前所未有的投资, 在北达科他州的未来, 在基督教的伟大事业中, 天主教, 以及新一代的本笃教育.”

执行副总裁兼参谋长杰罗姆·里希特, 谁还和捐赠者一起工作, 说这份礼物来得正是时候. 

“当我与董事会分享这一消息时,我感到非常激动和谦卑, 因为我们是在见面前才知道这个礼物的,里希特在全校会议上向大学社区解释道. “上帝对我们很好. 谈论我们的成功是很谦卑的. 有一些很棒的人相信我们,对我们正在做的事情感到兴奋.”

What the University of Mary is doing through this Vision 2030 Strategic Plan is significant and will not only help foster the mission set forth by its founders — the Benedictine Sister of Annunciation Monastery — by meeting the needs of the people of this region and beyond, 也彻底改造了校园. 

已经, Phase I brought about a new 276-bed Roers Hall; a fieldhouse and wellness center; the Warford Grotto for students 公众 to honor Mary through prayer; a new state-of-the-art Lumen Vitae University Center — the campus hub; a new Workforce Development Initiative that helps employers in this state attract new workers and provides an opportunity for them to retain and develop their employees; and the start of a new hands-on Hamm School of Engineering.

The beginning of Phase II of the Vision 2030 campaign had four pillars and helped establish the new Saint Gianna School of Health Sciences and complete the new Hamm School of Engineering. The final two pillars include plans for an all-new 体育运动 Complex just east of the fieldhouse that would run parallel with highway 1804 and a Welcome Center on south campus.   

就在一年前的11月7日, 2022, as part of Phase II the University of Mary announced plans for a new 体育运动 Complex that would bring football, 棒球, 足球, 并将户外田径比赛带回校园,为终极学生们争光, 粉丝, 和学者运动员比赛日的经历. 

在接下来的一年里,通货膨胀使最初的建设预算增加了1800万美元, 根据里希特. 与受托人进一步协商和反馈, 捐助者, 校友, 教练, 运动椅, 承包商, 以及俾斯麦公园和娱乐中心, the University of Mary exercised its nimbleness and did what quarterbacks do during a football game after analyzing the defense. They called an audible and began altering the original plan and working on a new concept that has greater return on investment (ROI) and ultimately allows the university to be even better stewards of the hard-earned dollars entrusted to them by their 捐助者.  

“我们想到了一个想法,我们真的需要一个多功能运动圆顶,”里希特解释说. “我们想把户外运动带回我们的校园,因为我们有1,400个粉丝就住在校园里. 在星期六的早晨,他们可以从床上爬起来, 或者在星期四下午,他们可以下课去看比赛. 想象一下,莎拉·库克教练和她的足球学者运动员在校园里进行一场比赛, 我们的学生去那里会容易多少.”

这就是对原计划做出最大改变的地方. Instead of putting a dome over the new football field that runs north and south as stated in the original plan, the Multipurpose Sports Dome will be located just beyond the south end zone covering a full NCAA regulation 足球 field running east and west that will also include markings for an NCAA softball diamond that cuts through the middle of the field facing north and south — serving as a home venue for both sports.

“谁会用这个?? 每个人,”里希特强调. “这真是太神奇了, 每个人都可以利用这个:每个运动队, 校内的, 公众. 去年冬天我们可以把这个租出去很多次. We can build the Multipurpose Sports Dome for the same cost estimated for the original design of the 棒球 and softball fields in the first plan. 但是我们的多功能运动圆顶一周会使用六到七天.”

与此同时, the Marauders 棒球 team will continue to play their home games in town at the beautiful Bismarck Municipal Ballpark sharing it with the 棒球 community. It is already regarded as one of the best facilities in the Northern Sun Intercollegiate Conference (NSIC) and region and is continually updated and renovated with improvements.

 What will remain the same for the athletic complex is the state-of-the-art Research and Performance Center (RPC). The RPC located between the Field House and new stadium serves as seating for football 粉丝s on its east side exterior and on the inside a weight room, 培训室, 更衣室, 足球和足球办公室, 还有会议室. 上层将是一些学生的教室. 吉安娜健康科学学院,然后在比赛日变成套房.

“This is a very significant step to begin moving forward with architectural surveying and soil boring testing. 我们多快开始行动取决于上帝,而不是我们自己。.

The fourth and final pillar of Phase II that fulfills an urgent need is the Welcome Center housing offices for admissions, 校友, 军事服务, 学生发展, 还有很多其他的.

“欢迎中心绝对是游戏规则的改变者. We believe in Benedictine hospitality; it is in our blood. 但即使是我们的建筑也必须有它,欢迎中心就是这样. There will be a straight shot access from the south campus entrance where everyone can be received without getting lost.”

看到最新的照片效果图的新立博中文版体育综合访问大学 www.GoUMary.com/Vision2030体育运动Complex.


任何想了解更多关于立博中文版的人都可以在 calamine.qyxdzx.com 或与招生代表联系 enroll@qyxdzx.com,或致电 (701) 355-8030. The University of Mary is one of only 15 Recommended Cardinal Newman Society Residential Colleges and Universities in the US. 

关于立博中文版: True to its motto “lumen vitae”—The Light of Life—the University of Mary offers education for the whole of life through cutting-edge professional programs and graduate programs animated by moral courage and leadership in chosen professions and service to the community. 一个私人, 天主教男女同校机构, 立博中文版欢迎各种信仰和背景的学生.

一个基督徒, 天主教, 本笃会的机构成立于1959年,由本笃会修女报喜修道院, 立博中文版提供近60个学士学位, 18岁硕士, 5个工商管理博士学位授权点, 教育, 护理实践, 职业治疗和物理治疗. The 20-sport Athletic Department adheres to its Greatness Through Virtue mission under the governance of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 美国大学曲棍球协会, 以及美国大学粘土靶联赛. 有3个以上,800名学生, 立博中文版在北达科他州设有办事处, 蒙大拿, 亚利桑那州, 罗马, 意大利, 以及充满活力的在线服务. 
