Mary Professor Authors Two Books with Insight into the Age of Reformations and British Historian Christopher Dawson


俾斯麦,和 历史总是在当下占有一席之地. 正如温斯顿·丘吉尔所说, 自那以后,许多人又重复了一遍, “those who fail to learn from 历史 are condemned to repeat it.立博中文版历史学教授,博士.


约瑟夫•斯图尔特, is a student-body favorite for his courses on the Great War, 科学与医学史, 以及天主教和现代世界. 通过和立博中文版的戏剧系合作, Stuart and his students have often brought 历史 to life on stage with a previous book he co-authored called “North Dakota Voices of the Great War,” that documents hundreds of archived letters from North Dakota soldiers depicting the many cultures at conflict in WWI. 

Stuart knows that religion and culture are usually core to the actions people take resulting in some sort of historic moment in time. The two times in 历史 Stuart wants people of today to pay close attention to are the 1500s and the early 20th century.   

让人们更好地理解这些时间段, 以及它们对现代生活的影响, Stuart has penned two new books: “The Church and the Age of Reformations,” and “Christopher Dawson: A Cultural Mind in the Age of the Great War.”

前者是由斯图尔特和他的妻子共同完成的, 神学家芭芭拉·斯图尔特, highlighting the watershed events of a confusing period in 历史, providing a broader—and deeper—historical context of the era, 包括特伦特会议, 人文主义的兴起, 以及印刷机的影响. The Stuarts also profile important figures of this tumultuous century, 包括, 托马斯•莫尔, 阿维拉的特蕾莎, 罗耀拉的依纳爵, 和弗朗西斯·德·萨莱斯, and show that the saints demonstrated the virtues of true reform: charity, 团结, 耐心, 和传统.

“我写了 这本书 with my wife because we were interested in how our backgrounds in 历史 and theology could cooperate to illuminate this incredible time in 历史 (the 1500s),斯图亚特评论道。. “Today there are different Christian denominations that have had to learn how to get along together over the centuries. 我们想看看这种宗教多样性从何而来, 这是如何促成宗教宽容的, 以及宗教改革面临的挑战. We found that ‘bad religion’ leading to violence existed among Christians back then, 就像今天在激进的伊斯兰主义者中一样. Readers will come away with a broad view of an age that laid the ground of modern 历史 in many ways.” 

Also receiving rave reviews is “Christopher Dawson: A Cultural Mind in the Age of the Great War.“道森, (1889-1970)英国历史学家, became the first 天主教 Studies professor at Harvard University, and has been described as one of the foremost 天主教 thinkers of modern times. Stuart demonstrates in 这本书 how Dawson formed his cultural mind practicing an interdisciplinary science of culture involving anthropology, 社会学, 历史, 比较宗教.

“这本书的内容非常广泛,所以, 也是一本关于道森的书, 它是一部二十世纪的文化史. No one else has so far produced such a comprehensive study of my grandfather's work,朱利安·斯科特说, 克里斯托弗·道森遗产的文学执行人.

"A most welcome introduction to the work of one of the most impressive 天主教 minds and spirits of the twentieth century. 像圣. 约翰·保罗二世, Christopher Dawson understood that culture is the great driver of 历史 over the long haul and that a society can only be as great as its spiritual aspirations,乔治·魏格尔评论道, 杰出资深研究员威廉. Simon Chair in 天主教 Studies Ethics and Public Policy Center and one of America’s leading public intellectuals.

Stuart engages the reader with an insightful intellectual 历史 of Dawson and how he applied his cultural thinking to problems in politics and education. 

“我写了 这本书 over a twenty-year period because there is much confusion over the nature of culture and about the importance of religion for culture,斯图亚特解释道。. “All world cultures have had some kind of religious vision at their heart, 当他们失去了这些, they are internally colonized by some other sort of religion. So, 在我们这个世俗的时代, political religion has largely supplanted traditional religion with ideologies of the far left and the far right. 民族主义的政治宗教, 纳粹主义, 共产主义创造了极权主义政权, 战争, 政治不稳定. The English historian Christopher Dawson studied all of this and more. 他的作品令人难以置信地着迷, and 这本书 aims to help people see how the 历史 of culture helps us understand our own times so much better.”

斯图尔特担任历史项目主席, and as a Fellow of 天主教 Studies at the University of Mary in Bismarck. He’s also authored “Rethinking the Enlightenment: 信仰 in the Age of Reason.他所有的书都可以在亚马逊和各种渠道上找到.


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